Looking to Finish Strong

GNP DSC 6311

These past few weeks have been hectic but great. After the western swing and our two semifinal finishes, my husband and I flew straight from the NHRA race in Seattle to South Dakota for the big Sturgis Bike Rally. This is an event Jesse has attended many times before, being a bike guy, but this time in addition to all of the usual appearances, he was going to be racing while we were up there as well.

This year, the TORC series went to Sturgis for the first time and raced at the Buffalo Chip. My husband drove one of the PRO 2s, and while he was the one behind the wheel, I played the role of spectator, watching my other half on the race track. Typically, my husband accompanies me to races, but this time I went to support him — it was certainly a bit of a role reversal and a new perspective for me. I have a better understanding of what goes through his mind, week after week, every time I fly down the drag strip. Read Full Story on ESPN